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finding meaning in everyday moments
Blog: Welcome

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree

I sit here this drizzly morning, coffee at my side, admiring the little pencil tree that adorns the corner of my dining room. It's all...

Little Houses

It's almost here! I can hardly contain my excitement. In less than a week family will fill these walls to brimming, and it will be...

Thankfulness or gratitude... one and the same?

It's that time of year again. Our thoughts turn toward the final Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is coming, and we revisit, perhaps...

1940s House, you remind me to be grateful.

A couple of weeks ago I happened across an old show on YouTube that ran some twenty years ago on British television. It was called 1940s...

Of Highways... and Marriages

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending time in Spring, Texas, watching two of my grandsons while Mark and Laura attended a...

Old Chairs

"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7 I have a thing for old chairs. Whenever I...

When God Winks

Sometimes God makes Himself known to us in the majestic. The crashing waves, the towering mountains, the fiery sunsets. We take it in,...

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall... you're not helping!"

I have a confession. This time of year always gets me a little blue. I start feeling the weight of another year's passing as each...

Thoughts About Home

Home. It's such a lovely word. The mere mention of it brings a smile to my face and calm to my heart... but why? What is it about "home"...

Fire and Water

Last post I mentioned having had the opportunity to spend a couple of days in Galveston with some of the family. Tom and I were lucky...

"He's Still 'Lion.'"

Last week we got to get out of San Antonio for a few days and head to Galveston, one of my very favorite places to visit. Tom and I...

I wonder...

I wonder about lots of things. I really do. Things sometimes connect in my brain in strange, relational ways that get me thinking,...

"... Sparkly!"

I love how sunlight dances on water. Those gorgeous beams make thousands of tiny diamonds twinking as far as the eye can see. It's...

Vacation Bible School

" but Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.'" - Matthew...

This Old Sink

An idea came to us a few months ago to use an old farmhouse sink we've had for a couple of decades in a new, more creative way. This old,...


"Identity." That's a word that has been in the forefront a lot these days. How we identify. With whom we identify. These seem to be...

The Second Mile

"And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." -Matthew 5:41 I've been doing some spring cleaning for a while here at...


As I sit to write this post, Mother's Day is fast approaching. It's kind of a bitter-sweet day for me, and for many others whose mothers...

Blessings of the Road Less Traveled

"You don't work, do you?" I can't tell you how many times in the past thirty or so years I've been asked that question. The inquiry is...

Yet Another Goodbye

This past Tuesday I had to lay another of God's creatures to rest in our backyard. Our pet hen, Rosie, died. It might not sound like a...

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