Actually, today's post could be titled, "Time, Part II." It goes hand in hand with last week's entry, though that was not initially how this post was envisioned. It's just that God did something pretty incredible in my life last week to remind me that He cares about our relationship, His and mine. He remains actively involved in my life (and yours), and He pays attention to the details.
If you didn't happen to read "Time" last week here's the recap in a nutshell. I wrote about opportunities that present themselves in our everyday lives... opportunities for little ministry moments that might "interrupt" our schedules and routines, but which also provide much blessing in both our lives and the lives of others by allowing them.
I didn't think much about it after the post was published, just went about the rest of my day. Though I wasn't thinking about it, God was. He had been peering over my shoulder as I typed, and He was curious if I really meant what I said.
That evening I was out in the front yard gathering up all the sheets that had been used to cover the roses and lantana in the beds by the curb during last week's freezing temps. I didn't see her coming, but a sweet voice asked how they'd survived. It was a neighbor, a lovely lady, who had lost her husband a couple of years ago shortly after we'd moved to this house. I don't see her often, but I have wanted to invite her over for coffee or tea. I ditched the sheets and simply enjoyed conversation for a few minutes. We talked and laughed. It wasn't earth-shattering stuff... but it was a connection... and a start.
Shortly thereafter came news of the sudden passing of an elderly gentleman from church whose wife is part of our women's Bible study. There would need to be arrangements made for a reception at church a few days later after the memorial service. Then there was a call from a neighbor needing a small favor. It went on like this practically all week. There were no less than five opportunities for these little ministry moments. I was beginning to understand that God desired to know my heart's commitment. Would I merely say, or would I also do? I told a friend about it, and we had a good chuckle over God's interest in my willingness to "walk the talk."
I certainly don't know everything there is to know about life and faith. I am but a student still learning, still sitting at Jesus' feet listening, but this I do know: if we ask God to use us for His purpose and for His will... He will do it. When our desire to do His will aligns with His will for our lives, we have to just stand back and prepare ourselves for the amazing way God will work it all out.
With all God has on His plate... the hurt, the suffering, the tragedy... the sick, the lonely, the sorrowing... I am in awe that He takes time to tap me... ME... on the shoulder and say, "I see you. I care about you. I'm interested in your life because you are my dear child." My insignificant little blog post, read by only a handful of friends and family, He uses to reach out to me, letting me know that no detail of my life escapes His notice. No detail about your life escapes His notice either. The God who stills the storm, who calms the sea, who raises the dead... cares even about a few words typed on a blog post. He cares about it all.
Where does He find the time? Well, of course time isn't a factor with the God of the universe, but for the sake of tying these two posts together... it turns out He values those little ministry moments too. God can do it ALL, the big stuff, the small stuff, and everything in-between. Nothing is ever an interruption to Him. He never has to operate outside His parameters, because He has no boundaries. He is Alpha and Omega. He is. He always was. He always will be.
That very same God invites us to come to Him, and to ask Him to use us however He will... whether in something big... or in something seemingly insignificant. And if we ask, we need only stand back and prepare, for we will be amazed by the wealth of opportunities He provides.
