"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." -Ecclesiastes 3:1
I remember this song blaring out over the radio, windows down, the hum of the tires whistling along as we rode. The song was still popular well into the 70s - my preteen years - even though it had been released in 1965. "Turn, Turn, Turn" was a big hit for The Byrds.
My mom loved to listen to the radio as she drove. If I think really hard I can still hear her singing along to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and anything from The Beach Boys. I didn't realize it at the time, but this particular song had its base in Scripture, and it speaks to the seasons of life itself that keep moving and morphing as we grow older... onward and upward.
I got to thinking about this song the other day. I hadn't remembered it in ages, but several conversations I have recently had with my now grown kids brought it to the forefront.
You know, when you're a new parent, you often feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. The responsibility of bringing up these children God has entrusted to you, the great responsibility of discipling them, of nurturing them, of educating them, of modeling for them all things good, and wise, and honorable makes you drop to your knees in prayer... not just asking the Lord to help you, but begging Him sincerely to do so.
We plead our case to Him for we know how inadequate we are for the job. We know how often we mess up in each and every one of these categories. We go to Him, for there is none other to go both before us, to pave the way, and to come after us to correct our mistakes. So, we pray and we trust, and we move forward with the only One who loves our kids more than we do.
Together on that journey something amazing begins to happen. All to God's glory and credit, buds start to appear on those tender branches. God multiplies our humble efforts, and each year those saplings grow stronger, taller, begin producing sweet, abundant fruit.
We spend our years pouring into them the best that we can give, watering, fertilizing, tending, strengthening, and one day, when they are mature enough to stand on their own, to live their own lives, to nurture their own relationships with the Lord, God gives us a most wonderful blessing... to taste and see that He is good.
This is the point at which I thought about that song, for in speaking with my children, I realize they are now teaching me. They are helping me to grow spiritually. They are setting examples for me of kindness and empathy. They are stoking the fires within me of creativity, of service to others, of an enthusiasm for life, and for an even greater excitement for the life hereafter.
Yes, things have turned... and they keep turning. My season of influence in the lives of my children, at least as was necessary in their formative years, is waning. It is good and proper that it is. It's all as it should be. They now take on the responsibilities the Lord has passed to them. I am simply, and profoundly thankful to God that He has been gracious in allowing me these years to be here and to witness how my children have grown and blossomed, how strong they have become...and how beautiful His fruit is evidenced in their lives.
And what a wonderful turn it has been, indeed!
"Turn, Turn, Turn"
"To every thing turn, turn, turn,
There is a season turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under heaven." - The Byrds, 1965
