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Routines and Rhythms

Writer: Gayle PulliamGayle Pulliam

I usually don't give it much thought, my routines. They just sort of exist, moving me somewhat subconsciously through the hours and activities each day presents. Yet, these actions aren't random. Not at all. They are actually more akin to a rhythm. Ordered. Measured. Patterened.


On days when I DO pay more attention, I can see it. I recognize the beauty of the rhythm that presses me forward. It builds bit by bit, layering, deepening, becoming part of the composition of my life.

Some routines, the most important ones, have to do with faith. Making time to read the Word, pray, worship, serve. Others have to do with taking care of family, creating a warm and inviting place for those I love to be fed, nourished, and rest.

Physical routines tend to the health and strength of the body, in order to continue service to God, family, and my neighbor. Routinely taking moments to appreciate beauty, whenever and wherever it presents itself... in written word, music, or nature adds wealth to my days.

All these routines provide a rhythm to life. They help create balance and order, and since God is a God of order, it makes perfect sense to me that when my days proceed in purposeful pursuance of that order, I feel closer, more connected to my Creator.

Some of what I do day to day... some of what you do day in and day out... may seem of no consequence to the outside observer. Don't believe it. If what is done is done in love toward others and in appreciation and service to your heavenly Father, it matters to the One who matters most.

I make the bed each morning first thing when I rise. I smoothe the covers and fluff the pillows. Not really a big deal, but it is a small act of service to my husband whom I love dearly, and it also serves as an opportunity for me to tell God "thank you" for His gifts of spouse, shelter, home, and slumber.

Afterward I head outside to fill the little bowls of water and the feeder that help sustain the life of some of God's smallest creatures. It is a routine that adds much beauty to the rhythm of my day, as I watch these sweet birds visiting, splashing playfully, flitting back and forth. I'm reminded of all the wonders great and small God has created for the enjoyment and enrichment of our lives.

Walking is usually next on the agenda. I love to go early in the mornings when the day is just breaking and the sky is filled with those glorious pink ribbons. It's a routine that has become a coveted part of my alone time with God. I talk; He listens. He lets me pour out my heart to Him without judgment or condemnation. I never fail to arrive back at home with a more joyful spirit and a renewed sense of peace and purpose.

These steps, as well as all the others I move through each day, are not just habit, although they have become part of a good habit I hope to continue, and they are not just routine. They have together morphed into a kind of driving force that propels me not only forward, but also upward, for even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant moments of our days can give us pause to note the goodness and graciousness of God.

These routines become a rhythm, a rhythm in which every beat testifies to the God who made us, who loves us, and who orders our days.



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