It's been a few weeks since my last post. I was away visiting with my precious grandbabies in the Houston area, but I'm back home now and eager to share something that's been on my heart and mind for a while.
It all started two weeks ago with some mail that began flooding my way. In the span of just three days I had received advertisements for two different senior living communities and one for Medicare insurance that was offering a free giant-sized magnifying reader if I would just call for information.
You guys... I was kind of insulted. I mean, ok, I get it, I'm no spring chicken... but sixty-four isn't one foot in the grave either! I have been dreading this year since my last birthday. I knew the avalanche was coming, but seriously! Seems like every day some stranger who doesn't know me, hasn't met me (and perhaps doesn't really care to) wants to provide a "safe and engaging" environment for me to live out my "golden years."
Well, I plan on living out those years right here in my own little casita, thank you very much!
I know. I know. God has the ultimate say in how and when that happens, and truthfully, I'm fine with that. I'm better than fine with that, because He DOES know me and He has always been invested in my well-being... right from the start.
I guess it's just a little frustrating to have the world -and I understand that's extreme hyperbole- begin to look at my life today, in this moment of time, as the last few pages of a novel that will soon be finished and ready to shelve.
So, what if my life were a novel?
There would be characters, of which I would be, of course, the main one. Supporting characters would come into and out of the story as time went on, each adding layers of meaning to my own, each providing by their very existence a shaping of my own character development.
There would definitely be a purposeful theme. It would be purposeful because of the One who authored it. That would be totally up to Him. My life would be lived out according to His direction, not my own. However, there would also be a formidable antagonist. Unfortunately he would be relentless in his attacks, but they would often appear as mere distractions; innocent looking sidetracks that would constantly entice me to alter the plot.
Honestly, this sounds very familiar to my life. It has been a novel. It has had plenty of twists and turns, but the story has been indescribably joyful... not always happy... but always, always joyful, because I know the Author. He loves me, and I love Him.
Every chapter, from the "Growing up Years" to the "Newlywed" have His fingerprints on each page. The "Having Children" chapter was one of the longest and one of the ones that shaped me most. Those were some of the golden years. There was lots of plot thickening back then for both me and for my children, but God also authored the plot resolutions, and how thankful and blessed I am that He helped me see how much I needed to let Him hold the pen.
I find myself now in the "Bonus Years". It is in this place that there is time to relish being a couple again; to enjoy my adult children; to play with my precious grandbabies, who aren't all babies anymore; to deepen friendships; and to work at God's Kingdom calling... wherever it is He sends me, whatever task He gives me.
Yes, there are fewer pages to go now. The story is nearing the end, perhaps, but there is still a whole new chapter to be written.
The beauty of being this age is having that twenty-twenty vision. We can read again the past chapters, revisiting them now with the knowledge of how those chapters came to a close, seeing God's hand of provision and protection in each sentence. At the time we were smack in the middle of them, we prayed they would have a good ending, but it just wasn't clear yet. We couldn't wait to be on the next page already. In retrospect, how very glad I am that I never stole that pen. God's workmanship is soooooo much greater than anything I could ever begin to imagine.
This story that is my life is not finished yet. It will only be complete when God determines that there is nothing left to be written.
This isn't sad, and it most definitely isn't morbid. It's simply truthful. For all believers one final chapter remains... the happiest ending imaginable to the greatest story ever told.
Until then, I remain faithfully in the plot, trying my best to stick to His theme. I honestly can't wait for this next chapter. I hope it's a doozy!
So thank you very much for your offer of a "safe and engaging" environment to live out those golden years, but I know a guy, and He's got me covered.
