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"Fits it, Big Daddy"

Writer: Gayle PulliamGayle Pulliam

"... cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

Last weekend Tom and I had the pleasure of visiting Mark and Laura and their two boys in Spring, Texas. Mark is one of the speakers at the LCMS National Youth Gathering in Houston which began last Saturday night, so we went to help out with the kids. It was such fun! Wow, how they've grown!! The boys had each celebrated a birthday last week so they are now five and two!

I noticed the biggest difference, since our last visit, in Wade. Now that he's two, he's talking up a storm. He wasn't a bit shy with us and took quite quickly to Tom, aka "Big Daddy." In fact, he was Big Daddy's shadow most of the weekend once Mark and Laura headed out for the convention. I didn't mind. It was sweet to see the two of them together as Tom is much more comfortable around children once they've started walking and talking.

Early on Sunday, Tom delivered some sound equipment for Mark to Lazarus Church while I was getting the kids dressed and ready for service later that morning. When Tom got back, he had two gifts in hand from one of the sweetest couples at their church. They had gotten both the boys presents for their birthdays. The gifts were a big hit, but what was even better were the cards. These were the kind that played music when you opened them, and Wade's even lit up the number "2"!

I tell you, you would have thought those cards were the gifts themselves! The boys opened them over and over laughing and marching to the music... that is, until Wade decided to open his all the way up to see what was making the sound. Whatever apparatus had been keeping the music and lights going just plain quit working, and you could clearly see the disappointment and concern on little Wade's face. He tried it a few times, opening and shutting... but no go.

What's a boy to do?

Take it to the fix-it guy, of course, and that's just what he did with the words, "Fits it, Big Daddy."

Tom got it working again... temporarily, but it would only play the birthday song once before having to be re-set. Wade would grin at the music,and sit himself down on the rug to listen just in time for the card to stop playing, so off he'd go once more, card leading the way for Big Daddy to work the magic and make it good.

I don't know which was more precious, that Wade knew who to turn to with what was broken, or that Big Daddy so patiently "fixed" it over and over fifteen or so times in a row with nothing more than a, "Give it to Big Daddy," and a "There you go, Partner."

We do that too, don't we? ... take our brokenness to the One most capable of helping, of fixing, of putting it all back together and making it good. I always kind of wondered if God didn't get a bit tired of me always handing Him my broken life, messy, falling apart, and pleading with Him to, "Fits it, Big Daddy." Watching Tom with Wade showed me a glimpse of God's patience with me, for however much Tom loves all our children and grandchildren... and we both love them a LOT... it can't hold a candle to God's love for each of us as HIS dear children.

He never gives a huffy sigh or rolls his eyes at our peeking in the door of the throne room... no matter HOW many times we've come before, hands out, asking. He is happy to see us, happy that we have sought Him. He's ready and waiting. All we have to do is hand it over, give what's broken to the One who knows best how to fix ALL our brokenness... and He makes it good again.



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