"Serve the Lord with gladness...." - Psalm 100:2a
I couldn't imagine trying to do what she was doing, the woman in the Instagram reel. She was readying huge pans of shredded pork, roasted veggies, rolls, and dessert to deliver as a service of love to those in special need of it, and she was doing it all... while fighting cancer herself.
She had a smile on her face as she described what a blessing it is to serve others who are hurting, especially through your own season of pain. I must admit, that wasn't what I expected her to say. I mean, I have always felt certain God can use our times of difficulty and struggle as moments to witness our faith as well as to witness His faithfulness. I know He can create beauty from even the most shattered and helpless situations, and He can equip us in sharing encouragement with others going through similar struggles as those we've come through, but honestly... honestly... I never thought of trying to actively serve others while in the midst of my own storm.
I suppose in really thinking about it, I have known women like that; I believe I know them now.
Serving the Lord by serving others brings a good deal of joy into our lives. Those acts of service and kindness, no matter how small, how seemingly insignificant, pull our focus outward, away from self, and toward others. Speaking very personally here, I know that spending too much time thinking about me... my needs... my situation, steals that joy right out of my heart.
God doesn't intend us to spend our days gazing at a looking glass, seeking validation for any self-pity we might be feeling. "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the most put-upon of all... or the most unfairly treated of all... or the most unfortunate?" No. Instead of focusing on how the world is "A"ffecting me, God desires rather for me to be outward looking, and more importantly, upward looking... to ask His direction for how I can "E"ffect something positive in the lives of those around me. That one small change makes a huge difference.
I recently read an illustration attributed to Christian author, Timothy Keller, and, at least in my mind, it goes hand-in-hand with this idea of getting out of self and focusing on others. I may get this wrong, so please don't quote me. In the account, Keller was referring to times in life when we feel like we've fallen out of love with something or someone. He said that if you've fallen out of love with (... fill in the blank), do the thing that you would do if you were in love with (... fill in the blank). For example, If you've fallen out of love with your home... sweep the floors, polish the counters. Do what you would do if you treasured your home. The feeling will follow the action. If you've fallen out of love with your spouse, do the thing you would do if you were in love with them. Speak love. Speak affirmation. Show affection.. and the feeling will follow the action.
The feeling follows the action.
Isn't that what was happening with the woman on Instagram? Bringing joy through service to someone else was bringing joy to her as well. The feeling followed the action. In this season of trial she had every right to hope for someone to serve her, but that's not how she felt, nor is it why she did the acts of service she did. The blessing she felt was simply a by-product of looking outward and upward.
I have the privilege of volunteering each week with some of the most lovely women. It's not important for you to know who they are or exactly what we do. Suffice it to say, as I often do, that we are just trying our best to answer our Father's call to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world. Some of these precious ladies have lost their husbands, a few very recently. Another is helping her husband through an awful battle, a serious health issue they have fought together several times before. There are so many stories there. Lots involve sickness, sadness... heartbreak, yet when we are together there, sharing the love of Jesus through service to others, there is also joy. Joy. There are smiles and laughter and hugs. Right there, in the midst of some of the storm's worst raging... is Jesus bringing beauty from pain, healing from brokenness... calm for troubled hearts. Our God is the great exchanger.
Psalm 100:2 says to serve the Lord with gladness, and when we do, even in the midst of our own pain or sorrow...
gladness often comes to us too.
