We recently returned from our family vacation to Galveston. This year the whole crew was there. It was WONDERFUL! This place and time are quickly becoming our thing, and I can't tell you how over the moon happy that makes me.
It's not easy to get the entire group together. When you have grown children living in four different cities it takes some creativity and planning to make it work. Our particular situation involves family who are professional church workers and must keep weekends free, as well as one who is a high school teacher and has limited time available during the school year. Our little window in July has seemed to be the best bet for getting the gang together.
Tom secured us a little rental just two blocks from the Seawall. It was a two bed, two bath cottage with a dining room and sweet little garage space outfitted with a foosball table and hanging mirror ball. That mirror ball was a HUGE hit during our traditional "dance party"!! The space was a wee bit tight, but we made it work with an extra inflatable mattress and a couple of cots.
It was almost comical to see everyone spread out all over the place at night... bedrooms, pull-out couch, inflatable mattress in the dining room, and two cots in the kitchen, but it worked just fine; and I wasn't about to complain about anything, because I was just so grateful to have the whole family together under one roof.
The days we had were spent playing in the waves, feeding the seagulls, chowing down on all the good food the kids brought, dancing the night away, and laughing together in the evening once the kiddos were all put to bed. I gotta say, hearing that laughter warms my soul. As a mom, could there be anything better than hearing your adult kids, ALL of them, reminiscing about growing up together and laughing so hard they have tears running down their faces.
I bottle up the memories and store them like gold. This year Tom happened to make a video of one such episode. It was only like thirty seconds or so, but it absolutely captures the essence... and purpose... of these family trips together. I know that when I get to missing them all terribly, I'll be revisiting those seconds and it will bring a smile to my face and a hug for my heart.
All too soon our time was over. It always goes too fast. We began talking about next year's trip and how we might want to look into at least a three bedroom this next time. I get it. It's nice to have a place where everyone can keep their gear with them instead of spread all over the place, and perhaps have a few more traditional beds available.
I LOVE the small spaces we share. It brings us close, yes, but it also helps us stay a close-knit family. It's like getting a giant hug without even embracing. There isn't space enough to get away by oneself, to be twelve individuals vacationing singularly. We are forced (in the best kind of way) to operate as a unit, prepping meals, helping with the kids, sharing both suncreen and sleeping quarters. To me, it's the very BEST kind of vacation, and truthfully, I wouldn't want a larger space to detract from or change any of that.
When I was on my walk this morning I couldn't help but notice all the beautiful bougainvilleas bloomimg around the neighborhood. As tropicals, they love the heat and this dry weather. I remembered how a gardener once told me that for bougainvilleas to bloom well, their roots must be crowded. They prefer it, and the more crowded the roots, the more abundant and spectacular the blooms.
That's the way I like to think about our family and our time together. Close space contributes to close connections, and beautiful things can't help but bloom from it.
I am thankful for this small casita, where we crowd in on holidays like we're trying to set a record for how many clowns can fit in a Volkswagen; and I am thankful for little beach cottages that do the same. To stay close we must exercise being close, and how better to do that...
than in a crowded pot!
