The Door
This is the last week of Advent. Christmas is almost here! This last reflection is based on a rather unique ornament... a door, bedecked...
This is the last week of Advent. Christmas is almost here! This last reflection is based on a rather unique ornament... a door, bedecked...
Well, we've made it almost to the end of our third week in Advent. This week our focus will be on "peace." Peace. What a lovely word....
As I mentioned last week, these next few posts are going to be Advent devotionals. We are in week 2, and today we are talking about the...
I'd like to preface this post by sharing that this is an excerpt from a little devotional series I put together for the ladies' Bible...
Friday mornings are when I like to head over to the Olmos Basin soccer fields to do my prayer walking. The track is paved and even, so I...
"In Him (Jesus) was life,and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." -...
I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen amazing things happen, miraculous things happen when God's people pray. I believe in that...
Although there has been much discussion of late about the identification and use of one's preferred pronouns, this post isn't intended...
A couple of weeks ago I came across a photo from a gal I follow on Instagram. I was first introduced to her through her blog and later...
My pastor made a point in one of his sermons years ago that stuck with me like glue. He was talking about making the most of the time God...
It's only been four years in coming! Tom and I finally watched the last season of The Middle. That sitcom, which ran for nine years, drew...
A couple of times a year a James Avery catalog arrives in the mail, and though I'm not particularly a big jewelry-wearing gal, (except...
This week marks another orbit around the sun for me. As far as birthdays go, it was a good one... pretty chill. I've never been a big...
I sent my husband a funny pic I saw on Facebook the other day. It was of an elderly couple fast asleep in a gondola in Venice, Italy; the...
Recently a dear friend of mine and I were discussing differences in worship styles. Specifically, we were comparing a more traditional...
"And when the disciples saw Him (Jesus) walking on the sea, they were frightened, saying, 'It is a ghost!' And they cried out for fear....
"... has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?" - Daniel 6:20 I believe in miracles. I believe...
"... cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7 Last weekend Tom and I had the pleasure of visiting Mark...
I stood back trying to get everything included in the shot. I had just finished switching out the angel wings for the vintage flag that...
Truthfully, there were lots of things I learned from my folks. They were lessons well-ingrained, for my parents didn't just talk about...